My Website... Or a thing that'll be that eventually

Heya folks! What you're looking at is the blank slate that will eventually be my website! As of right now, my knowledge of coding is so rudimentary that I only know how to insert a line of text on this page, though I assure you that one day this site will be bursting at the seams with personality and information about stuff I like! For now though, enjoy the void!

Its peaceful...

Stuff I'd like to do with this site

  • Have a little blog about games, both with my opinions on ones I've recently finished and fun facts about niche game related subjects
  • Have some fun midi renditions of songs I like playing in the background
  • Create a guestbook
  • Get one of those fancy little cursors that does cool stuff when you move it around
  • Make a little game you can play on the website with some video clips and photos incorperated. sorta like a classic adventure game
    1. and much, MUCH more

    this is what I look like

    this is a pretty color

    this is a quote from the wikipedia page about coprophilia

    Now it's time for my breakfast.
    Click here to see an empty part of the site! my self portait
    coded and written by me.
    send me an email!
    youtube dot com